JAKARTA--Rencana pemerintah menaikkan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) masih menuai pro kontra. Wakil Ketua MPR Lukman Hakim Saifuddin menyampaikan sejumlah syarat jika pada akhirnya pemerintah terpaksa menaikkan harga BBM. Syarat itu, antara lain, keputusan tersebut harus dibarengi dengan kesadaran elite negeri ini untuk bersedia gaji mereka dipotong.
"Harus ada kesediaan presiden sampai camat agar mau hak (gaji, Red) mereka dipotong," kata Lukman Hakim Saifuddin di gedung parlemen, Senayan, Jakarta, (2/3). Jumlahnya, menurut dia, 10 sampai 15 persen dari total gaji yang diterima.
Lukman menyatakan, jika itu diberlakukan secara masif oleh parlemen dari pusat sampai daerah, akumulasi pemotongan gaji tersebut cukup signifikan. Setidaknya, itu untuk meringankan beban APBN yang berat. "Selain itu, ini bentuk empati elite negeri ini terhadap potensi beban rakyat yang akan makin berat pasca kenaikan harga BBM," imbuh wakil ketua umum DPP PPP tersebut.
Selain pemotongan gaji, tambah Lukman, keputusan menaikkan harga BBM harus dibarengi dengan kompensasi. Misalnya, kompensasi lewat pembangunan infrastruktur di berbagai bidang, yang pada akhirnya akan bisa menaikkan taraf hidup dan ekonomi masyarakat. "Kompensasi ini harus dirancang secara sistematis dan berlangsung lama," katanya.
Lukman mengingatkan bahwa kompensasi semacam pemberian bantuan langsung tunai (BLT) kepada masyarakat harus dihindari. Pemberian BLT dianggap rawan penyelewengan dan tidak mendidik masyarakat. "Selain tendensi politiknya sangat kuat, intinya, kompensasi tidak boleh hanya karikatif," tegasnya.
Sementara itu, khusus terkait dengan wacana pemotongan gaji pejabat, Ketua DPR Marzuki Alie memiliki pandangan berbeda. Menurut dia, ada hal yang lebih substansial dan mendalam yang bisa dijadikan solusi kerumitan terkait dengan kebijakan tentang harga BBM belakangan.
"Masih ada solusi sebenarnya, tapi kita kok justru ribut dengan hal-hal kecil, termasuk tentang usul pemotongan gaji ini," ujar Marzuki. Kalau sekadar pemotongan gaji, lanjutnya, dia bahkan siap gajinya dipotong bukan hanya 10?15 persen. Marzuki siap bila gajinya dipotong hingga 80 persen.
"Tapi, kan tidak boleh hanya sampai di situ. Yang lebih dipikirkan itu bagaimana mencari solusi," katanya. Dia lantas membeberkan hasil diskusinya dengan sejumlah pihak beberapa hari terakhir.
Marzuki mengungkapkan, berdasar informasi yang diterima, Pertamina kini sudah bisa mengolah semua jenis minyak mentah. Artinya, Indonesia sesungguhnya sudah bisa mengolah semua minyak mentahnya di dalam negeri.
Hingga saat ini, jelas Marzuki, 85 persen dari total produksi minyak mentah di Indonesia menjadi hak pemerintah. Sedangkan 15 persennya bagi hasil dengan kontraktor. Namun, dari 85 persen itu, kata dia, Pertamina hanya mengolah 50 persen. Sisanya, seluruhnya dijual ke luar negeri.
Dari hasil penjualan tersebut, menurut Marzuki, sekitar 35 persen masih harus disisakan untuk membayar cost recovery yang diserahkan lagi ke kontraktor. "Nah, 35 persen itu diambil saja oleh negara, tapi seluruh minyak mentah serahkan ke Pertamina untuk diolah jadi BBM," tegas wakil ketua Dewan Pembina Partai Demokrat tersebut.
Marzuki yakin, jatah 85 persen minyak mentah itu sudah mencukupi kebutuhan BBM dalam negeri. "Kita tidak perlu khawatir lagi terhadap kenaikan harga minyak mentah dunia," ujarnya.
Cara lain mengatasi masalah BBM, lanjut politikus Partai Demokrat tersebut, segera mengonversi pemakaian solar untuk industri ke bahan bakar gas. Pasalnya, menurut dia, masih banyak penyimpangan yang dilakukan industri dengan memakai solar bersubsidi. "Luar biasa pencurian di sana. Industri seharusnya pakai solar tanpa subsidi, ia mencari celah untuk membeli solar bersubsidi. Itu besar dampaknya. Kalau ada konversi ke gas, saya kira persoalan BBM nggak akan jadi masalah," tandas Marzuki. (dyn/c3/tof)
Fuel Up, Proposed Presidential Salaries Cut JAKARTA - The government plans to raise the price of fuel oil (BBM) is still reaping the pros and cons. Vice Chairman of the Assembly Lukman Hakim Saifuddin delivered a number of conditions if the government eventually was forced to raise fuel prices. Requirements, among others, the decision must be accompanied by awareness of the country's elite to be willing to cut their salaries. "There has to be the president's willingness to want the right to sub-district head (salary, Red) were cut," said Lukman Hakim Saifuddin at the parliament building, Senayan, Jakarta, (2/3). The numbers, according to him, 10 to 15 percent of the total salary received. Lukman said that if it is enacted by the parliament of the massive central to local level, the accumulation of a significant pay cut. At least, it's to relieve the heavy burden the state budget. "In addition, this form of empathy elite of this country against the potential burden of the people who will be more severe after the fuel price increases," added the vice chairman of the PPP DPP. In addition to payroll deductions, plus Lukman, the decision to hike fuel prices should be accompanied by compensation. For example, compensation through infrastructure development in various fields, which in turn could raise the standard of living and economy. "Compensation should be designed in a systematic and long lasting," he said. Lukman warned that such compensation for the provision of direct cash assistance (BLT) to the community should be avoided. BLT provision is considered vulnerable to fraud and educate the public. "In addition to his political tendencies are very strong, essentially, the compensation must not only karikatif," he said. In the meantime, specifically related to the official discourse of pay cuts, House Speaker Marzuki Alie has a different view. According to him, there is something more substantial and profound complexity of the solution can be related to the recent fuel price policy. "There are real solutions, but we really just fuss with the little things, including pay cuts of this proposal," Marzuki said. If it is only a pay cut, he added, he was even ready to cut his salary is not just 10? 15 percent. Marzuki ready when his salary was cut by 80 percent. "But it should not stop there. Even more thought is how to find a solution," he said.He then revealed the results of discussions with a number of the last few days. Marzuki said, based on information received, Pertamina is now able to process all types of crude oil. That is, Indonesia is already able to process all its crude oil in the country. Until now, obviously Marzuki, 85 percent of the total crude oil production in Indonesia to the right of the government. While 15 percent of revenue sharing with the contractor. However, from 85 percent, he said, Pertamina processing only 50 percent. The rest, all sold abroad. From the proceeds, according to Marzuki, about 35 percent still have left to pay cost recovery transferred again to the contractor. "Well, only 35 percent was taken by the state, but all submit to Pertamina's crude oil to be processed fuel," said vice chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Democratic Party. Marzuki sure, 85 per cent share of crude oil that is sufficient for domestic fuel."We do not have to worry anymore to rising crude oil prices," he said. Another way to overcome the problem of fuel, said the Democratic Party politician, immediately convert to the use of diesel fuel into the fuel gas industry.The reason, according to him, there are many irregularities by using solar subsidized industry. "Excellent theft there. Industry should use solar without subsidies, he seeks a chance to buy subsidized diesel. That's a big impact. If there is a conversion to gas, I think the issue of fuel would not be a problem," said Marzuki. (Dyn/c3/tof)
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